My Guestbook

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Lastnight i sat on the stairs while Deija came over and put her paws across me while her back feet remained on the floor. That was so adorable!

While Mo was getting his nails trimmed on wednesday and getting a bath at petsmart we took Deija over to the dog park behind Sams Town. Deija ran and made a friend with a rottweiler. I took a walk around a the park since it was soo big and a few others was doing that was well. Deija followed me and while i stopped to talk to this lady with Benji's (i was asking her about her twin dogs and why they look so much alike) Deija ran behind me and started walkin with this other guy for a short while and started smelling her way back to grandma for a little bit while i started calling for her where i was i standing (she couldnt hear me). I had to walk to her. Within 50feet, she heard me and ran so cutely to me and excitiedly over to me and greeted me with a kiss on my hand. I adored this pit bull coming in while we were leaving, he was older but he was waiting for that door to open (his eyes were on that door) and he charged as fast as he can go in that dog park and didnt stop for 10mins.

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